After my decision to become a fighter, I spent endless days hunting rats in the fields and towers.  Now and then some kindly and more experienced fighters and healers would take me to the Undine Hut or to the Myrm Hive, or to Kitty Beach, but I felt my lack of experience and skill keenly and determined to advance as much as I could on my own for awhile, so as not to be a pest.

Doing this terrified me, however.  I did not know the lands at all, and in spite of studying maps, I was often lost when traveling only two snells out from town center.  As I crossed snell boundaries, my heart would leap into my throat in fear of what might be waiting on the other side.  I would hunt until I was a sickly yellow hue, and then retreat to town where I would as Stora to heal me.  Often during these times, there were only a few other exiles to be found, and I was well aware that if I feel, there might be no one to help me.

Eventually I got a bit stronger, and got to know the farms and then the fields right around Puddleby.  But I still sometimes suffered nasty shocks, like walking into Witkus' weapons shop and being set upon and killed by Darshaks.  I hadn't know they could even enter buildings in Puddleby.  Luckily, by then I knew how to toggle for help and had told people I was headed south; seeing I fell to 'shak, they checked the shop pretty soon.  During this time, a number of older fighters were very kind to me.
11/8/2010 01:24:01 pm

I remember spending days and days hunting the purple slugs in the north farm. I liked that farm best because it was easy to run south and escape over the wall.

11/9/2010 02:08:22 am

For quite awhile I didn't even know about training as a pathfinder and couldn't get over the walls. In fact I fell at least once because others in a group didn't know I had no training, and we got trapped with me blocking a path I couldn't open. :P

I did a lot of running through the farms until I figured out how to climb the wall. It's lucky that slugs are slow.

11/14/2010 08:59:13 pm

Oh some slugs are not that slow. I'm sure you'll run soon enough into some of these :) And the north town wall, south of the pf, can be jumped over without any pf. Not sure if that's the trick Kaly was talking about.


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