My first hunts were to places that now seem so mild, but when I was younger, were challenging, even fearful for me.  One such was the Undine hut.  I spent many hunts there with D'Ead and Fafnir, Lamprey and various others, learning to bash the walking dead.  On one of my first hunts there, I saw that one could adopt the form of the shambling attackers by brushing against the Wraith deep inside the underground cavern. But as I did this, I stumbled into a dark place, was quickly overborne by unseen attackers, and fell.

Natas came to save me that day. I was so impress that he could just wade into the dark, ignoring whatever was lurking there, catch me up on his chain and drag me out to be healed.  The cave was suddenly illuminated after he arrived... I thought he had done it, but he said not.  My eyes were so dazzled by the sudden light that I scarce can describe what I saw, or even recall it.  :P

From the Undine Hut I branched out to the beaches, the forests, and eventually to 'Noids.  These became my regular grounds for some time, but now and then I would enjoy the treat of being taken somewhere far more dangerous.

I recall one day, we heard a new area had been discovered, and Geo was kind enough to take me along.  Now known as the Estuary, it was full of creatures no one had every seen before, some which looked and were terrible, others which looked deceptively mild, but were quite fierce.  Predictably, I was again dragged home on a chain.

Other areas at that time seemed equally hard, and I would simply fall and be dragged home, often without having hit more than a vermine.  But now I hunt some of those places regularly and realize how much stronger I've become.

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