During my first months and years as an exile, I met many many people,  and some I knew were important from the start.

My good friend Kalypso had told me I could rely on Geotzou for help and advice, and from the start I found that to be so.  Geo offered me a lot of information about planting 'zu walls to help in difficult hunting situations; how to tag difficult creatures more efficiently and safely; and about numerous other strategic questions.  I also realized quite early that he was one with whom I liked hunting; now we are clanmates.

In retrospect, other incidents that at the time appeared small, take on far greater significance; leading to less predictable, but still happy ends. Not so long after I landed on these shores, but long enough after that my range of hunting grounds was expanding, I now and then began running into Gremlins: a Zo ranger well-known for his fondness for spiders and his abilities to befriend them, and even take on many of their forms. We were very casual acquaintances at first, but then one day in Soldi, Spring 579, he spent some time with me showing me all of the morphs he had studied over the years, and telling me about the abilities the creatures had in the wild.  It was educational of course, but also very indulgent of him to spend his spirit entertaining a young fen who barely knew spiders from arachnoids.  He even brought some into town and fed them rats and slugs for my amusement. 

After that day we began to hunt together more often, and to chat even when not actively hunting. Some advised me to beware of powerful fighters who appeared to enjoy my company, warning that they only wished to gain the spiritual benefits that come with sharing experiences with young and vigorous fighters.  I know this may have been the case with some fighters I hunted with in the early days, and I did not begrudge it.  But Gremlins was different and I somehow saw that early on.

11/14/2010 09:00:08 pm

Hopefully you know now that spiders are much better than noids :)


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